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Title certainly not what I was hoping for :(
Posted by raindrop (ip:)
  • Rate 2points  
  • Date 2018-06-20 13:52:22
  • Recommend 6 Recommend
  • Views 257

Ohh how I was hoping to love this tint. Seriously. So many other people love this tint and have given rave reviews. But it really fell flat for me on many points... I love Pony and I've used her eyeshadows before and they were excellent, but these tints are just... no.

I bought the shades #Cherish Values and #Fatal Allure. Both are gorgeous colors in the promotional photos. Fatal Allure looks pretty true to the photos in real life, but Cherish Values was certainly not what I was expecting. In the photos it looks like a pretty, natural warm light rose pink, but it comes out really orange on my lips and I'm not quite sure why. The color adjusts to be slightly more pink after a few minutes, though. It was really hard to get an accurate photo of it, so in my photo of it above, it's not as orange as it is in real life. I really disliked the color even from the first time I tried it, and I had to gradate it with a red shade in the centre of my lips for it to look better. It actually looked more similar to the #Simon Pure shade (which is supposed to be more orange-y).

The outside rose gold packaging of these tints are beautiful, and they feel nicely weighty, but that's about all I like about the packaging. The applicator wand somehow feels flimsy, like the wand is a little too bendy. it doesn't feel very nice while applying.

The amount of tint inside the tubes are also a little weird... my tube of Fatal Allure seemed to have a good amount of tint, as expected, but for some reason my tube of Cherish Values seemed to be lacking. Like... there isn't a lot of product on the wand when you take it out? It's akin to a tube you've used for a long time (and yes, I'm sure that this tube is brand new). I suppose there was some sort of factory error on it. I can still use it fine though.

The tints have a not-so-nice chemical/fruity sort of scent, that honestly reminds me a bit of a fruity scented hairspray I've smelled before. The texture is also streaky when applied, but settles down after a little while in an even coat. It lasts for a decent amount of time, but despite its name, it doesn't leave much of a tint behind at all. I also found that Fatal Allure wore off patchily and looked pretty awful when worn off, so I had to reapply when it started wearing off.

I bought two of these tints and honestly, I regret buying both. I don't look forward to using them at all. They are a little pricey, and there are far more better tints out there for much cheaper (such as Peripera's Peri's Ink tints and even some Innisfree tints). Some people might like these tints, but they just certainly do not work well for me. I would have given it 2.5 stars but since there's not that option, I just gave it a 2 instead.

Attachment pony effect_tint.jpg
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