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Title My Journey with B_LAB Matcha Hydrating Real Sun Screen
Posted by nirrs0719025 (ip:)
  • Rate 3points  
  • Date 2024-05-24 09:29:53
  • Recommend 0 Recommend
  • Views 111

B_LAB Matcha Hydrating Real Sun Screen is a chemical sunscreen, so no white cast. It has matcha, a soothing ingredient. So, I was very keen to try this! Here is my detailed review.

Weather I live in: Very hot. Sometimes humid, mostly dry. Perfect for frying eggs on the sidewalk.

My skin: Combination to oily.

Skin concerns: Soothing, anti-aging, sunspot. Basically, I want my face to feel like a baby's bottom.

Experience with Matcha Hydrating Sunscreen:

Humid Days: Feeling optimistic, I washed my face, slapped on some moisturizer, and topped it off with the much-hyped Matcha sunscreen. Within seconds, my face transformed into an oil slick that could rival the Gulf of Mexico spill. I was glistening like a freshly buttered turkey, and no, the oiliness did not go away. It just stayed there.

Another Humid Day: Determined to outsmart the sunscreen, I ditched the moisturizer, hoping the sunscreen would act as a moisturizer. But my face turned greasy again, shining bright like a diamond (thanks, Rihanna, but no thanks). And because I wear glasses, they slid down my nose every five minutes. I spent the day pushing them back up and questioning my life choices.

Dry Day Miracle? Finally, a dry day! I applied sunscreen directly after washing my face. Initially greasy, it eventually settled down, and my skin felt good and hydrated. Victory? Sort of. 

Experience with Reapplication:

Humid Days: Reapplying the sunscreen on humid days was like trying to put makeup on a greased pig. I turned into an even shinier grease ball. By now, you can probably fry bacon on my forehead.

Dry Days: On dry days, reapplication was still a disaster. My face became greasy again, and I ended up with white streaks on my neck, making me look like a mime who had a bad day.

Overall Thoughts: 

I think how you feel after applying this sunscreen depends on the weather. If you're lucky enough to stay inside an air-conditioned room during hot humid days, your experience might be different. Maybe your face will look matte while mine looks like I tried to deep fry it. If you don’t have an air conditioner, well, welcome to my oily nightmare. That being said, I am not going to repurchase it unless I am moving to a cooler climate. 

Attachment 20240523_191441.jpg
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